Our Story

Tiffany and Cory Unsworth honeymooned in Southern Utah in 1999.
This area went deep into our hearts, and never left. For years we kept feeling it calling us back. Calling us home. We have experienced several ventures in business and working in the public sector. We love people and feel it a privilege to serve them in a way that leaves them feeling uplifted!
In 2014, we had the opportunity to move to Kanab and purchase an existing tour company, ATV Kanab. We expanded the day tour offerings to include visits to National Parks and Hiking tours. We continue to add tours to our slate each year, and are very grateful when guests return to us, wanting to go somewhere new!
We brought our five children to Kanab with us and vowed to never leave. Our kids love the area, and have found it easy to put down permanent roots here.
Now, we find it to be an absolute dream, living in Kanab, Utah. We show people from all around the world the wonders that abound here. And it never gets old. We offer tours that accommodate all kinds of fitness levels, ages and interests. If you have the time, we will show you something spectacular! Contact us today if you are looking for an adventure in Kanab!